
International publicaties Wiel VEUGELERS

(Publications in Dutch not included)

Wiel Veugelers (2020) How globalisation influences perspectives on citizenship education: from the social and political to the cultural and moral, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2020.1716307

Wiel Veugelers (2020). Different views on global citizenship education: Making global citizenship education more critical, political and justice-oriented. In: Schugurensky, D. & Wolhuter, C. (Eds.) Global Citizenship Education in Teacher Education: Theoretical and Practical Issues (20-39). London: Routledge

Wiel Veugelers & Yvonne Leeman (2020). Pedagogical Possibilities in Culturally Diverse Educational Contexts. Theory and Practice of Inclusive Education in the Netherlands. In: Claiborne, L.  & Balakrishnan, V. (Eds.) Moving towards Inclusive Education (55-67). Leiden/Boston: Brill Sense

Helma De Keijzer, Gaby Jacobs, Jacqueline Van  Swet & Wiel Veugelers (2020) Teachers’ moral learning in professional learning groups, Professional Development in Education, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2020.1712617

Helma De Keijzer, Gaby Jacobs, Jacqueline Van  Swet & Wiel Veugelers (2020). Identifying coaching approaches that enable teachers’ moral learning in professional learning communities, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. DOI: 10.1108/IJMCE-11-2019-0104

Heleen Simonsz, Yvonne Leeman & Wiel Veugelers (2020) Beginning student teachers’ educational ideals, European Journal of Teacher Education,  DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2020.1747428

Stroetinga, M., Leeman, Y. & Veugelers, W. (2019). Primary school teachers’ collaboration with parents on upbringing: a review of the empirical literature, Educational Review, 71(5), 650-667 DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1459478

Keijzer, H. De, Jacobs, G., Van Swet, J., & Veugelers, W. (2019). Teachers’ moral learning in professional learning groups. Professional Development in Education. DOI: 1080/19415257.2020.17112617

Veugelers, W. (2019). Learning and teaching in critical-democratic citizenship education. Utrecht: Universiteit voor Humanistiek

Veugelers, W. (Ed.) (2019). Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. Leiden/Boston: Brill Sense.

Veugelers, W. 2019). Why Ivor Goodson never became a Rolling Stone but did achieve some ‘greatest hits’ and world tours in educational science. In:  Sikes, P., & Novakovic, P. (Eds.) Storying the Public Intellectual: Commentaries on the Impact and Influence of the Work of Ivor Goodson (41-48) . London: Routledge.

Veugelers, W. & Terlingen, J. (2019). How music education can contribute to moral development and citizenship. In: Astuti, K. S. (Ed.). 21st century innovation in music education (229-334). London: Routledge

Veugelers, W. (2019). Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC). In: Veugelers, W. (Ed.). Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. (1-13) Leiden/Boston: Brill Sense.

Veugelers, W., & De Groot, I. (2019). Theory and Practice of Citizenship Education. In: Veugelers, W. (Ed.). Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (14-41). Leiden/Boston: Brill Sense.

Veugelers, W. (2019). The future of EDIC+. In:  Veugelers, W. (Ed.). Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship(191-194). Leiden/Boston: Brill Sense.

Bartels, R. Onstenk, J, & Veugelers, W. (2018). Philosophical Enquiry as Part of Democratic EducationCurriculum and Teaching, 33(1), 23-38.

Bron, J., Bovill, C. & Veugelers, W. (2018).  Distributed curriculum leadership: how negotiation between student and teacher improves the curriculum. Journal of Ethics in Educational Leadership, special issue 1, 76-98.

Schuitema, J., Radstake, H., Van de Pol, J., & Veugelers, W. (2018). Guiding Classroom discussions for democratic citizenship. Educational Studies, 44(4), 377-407.

Stroetinga, M., Leeman, Y., Veugelers, W. (2018) Primary school teachers’ collaboration with parents on upbringing: a review of the empirical literature. Educational Review,

Schutte, I., Kamans, E.,  Wolfensberger, M. & Veugelers, W. (2018) Effects of an International Undergraduate Honors Course on Awareness of Global Justice. Education Sciences, 8, 82 doi:10.3390/educsci8020082.

Veugelers, W. (2018). Moral and Citizenship in 21stcentury. In: Retnowati, E. (ed). Character education for 21stcentuury global citizens(3-12). London: Routledge.

Veugelers, W. (2018). La educación moral y para la ciudadanía en el siglo XXI. In: Minguez Vallejos, R. & Romero Sanchez, E.  (eds.). La educacion ciudana en un mondu en transformacion: miradas y propuestas(121-140). Barcelona: Octaedro.

Schutte, I., Kamans, E., Wlofensberger, M., & Veugelers, W. (2017). Preparing students for global citizenship: The effects of a Dutch undergraduate course. Education Research International. 12 pages.

Schutte, I., Kamans, E., Wlofensberger, M., & Veugelers, W. (2017). Building and implementing a global citizenship course for undergraduate honors students. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 5(1), 35-48

Veugelers, W. (2017). Paulo Freire and Moral Education. Journal of Moral Education, 46(4), 410-411

Veugelers, W. (2017). The moral in Paulo Freire’s work: What moral education can learn from Paulo Freire. Journal of Moral Education, 46(4), 412-421.

Veugelers, W. (2017). Education for Critical-Democratic Citizenship: Autonomy and Social Justice in a Multicultural Society. In: Aloni, N. & Weintrob, L. (eds.). Beyond Bystanders (47-60). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Veugelers, W., De Groot, I. de, Lloomovatte, S. & Naidorf, J. (2017). Higher Education, Educational Policy and Citizenship Development. Education and Society, 35(1), 27-42.

Veugelers, W., De Groot, I., & Stolk, V. (2017). Teaching Common Values in Europe. Brussels: European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Politics.

Bartels, R., Onstenk. J. & Veugelers, W. (2016). Philosophy for Democracy. Compare, 46(5), 681-700.

Bevort A., & Veugelers W. (2016) Active citizenship compared in France and the Netherlands. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 11(3), 315-332.

Bron, J., Bovill, C, & Veugelers, W. (2016). Students experiencing and developing democratic citizenship through curriculum negotiation: the relevance of Garth Boomer’s approach. Curriculum Perspectives. 36, 15-27.

Bron, J., Bovill, C, Vliet, E. van & Veugelers, W. (2016) Conversation. Negotiating the Curriculum’: Realizing student voice. The Social Educator, 34, 39-54.

Stolk, V.J., Gasenbeek, B. & Veugelers, W. (2016). Secularisation of Religious Education: Humanism, Religion and Worldview Education in the Netherlands in the 1960s. Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education, 37, 186-200.

Veugelers, W. (2015). Citizenship education and active student participation: The Netherlands. In: Zajda, J. (Ed.). Nation-building and history education in a global culture (103-116). Dordrecht: Springer.

Veugelers, W. & Oser, F.K. (2015). Forword. In: Zizek, B., Garz, B. & Nowak, E. (Eds.) Kohlberg Revisited (vii-viii). Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Veugelers, W. (2015). Desarrollo de la identidad de los adoloscentes y el rol moral de los docents. Harvard Deusto: Learning and Pedagogics, 13-19.

Bartels, R., Onstenk. J. & Veugelers, W. (2015). Philosophy for Democracy. Compare. First alert:

Groot, I. de & Veugelers, W. (2015). Educating for a Thicker Type of Democratic Citizenship: A Conceptual Exploration. Education and Society, 33(1), 5-27.

Groot, I. de & Veugelers, W. (2015). Why we need to question the democratic engagement of adolescents in Europe. Journal of Social Science Education, 14(4), 27-38.

Bron, J. & Veugelers, W. (2014). Why we need to involve our students in curriculum design: Five arguments for student voice. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. 16(1), 125-139.

Groot, I. de, Goodson, I. & Veugelers, W. (2014). Dutch Students’ Democratic Narratives: ‘I know what democracy means, not what I think of it’. Cambridge Journal of Education. 44(2), 271-292.

Groot, I. de, Goodson, I. & Veugelers. (2014). Dutch adolescents’ narratives of their citizenship efficacy: “Hypothetically, I could have an Impact”. Educational Review, 66(2), 148-167.

Veugelers, W., Groot, I. de, & Nollet, F. (2014). Higher education and citizenship development. In: Teodoro, A. & Guilherme, M. (Eds.). European and Latin America Higher Education Between Mirrors (179-196). Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Luttenberg, J., Carpay, T. & Veugelers, W. (2013). Educational reform as a dynamic system of problems and solutions: Towards an analytic instrument. Journal of Educational Change, 14, 3, 335-352.

Carpay. T. Luttenberg, J., Veugelers, W. & Pieters, J. (2013). Harmony and diaharmony in an educational reform concert towards a Parsons’ inspired dynamic model of tuning, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 45, 6, 814-837.

Vloet, K., Jacobs, G. & Veugelers, W. (2013). Dialogic Learning in Teachers’ Professional Identities. In: Ligorio, M. & Cesar, M. (Eds.). Interplays between Dialogical Learning and Dialogical Self. (419-457).

Veugelers, W. & Groot, I. de (2013). Educacion Superior y desarrollo de la ciudadania. In: Beltran, J. & Teodoro, A. (Co.) Educacion Superior e inclusion social (19-26). Buenos Aires: Mino y Davila.

Groot, I. de, Goodson, I. & Veugelers, W. (2012). Bridging the Gap between Young People’s Civic Selves and Theoretical Positions on Democratic Citizenship Education. Curriculum and Teaching, 27, 1, 21-41

Leenders, H., Veugelers, W. & Kat, E. de. (2012). Moral Development and Citizenship Education in Vocational Schools. Education Research International, vol. 2012, DOI 10.1155/2012/901513

Stolk, V., Los, W. & Veugelers, W. (2012). Physical Education for Citizenship or Humanity? Freethinkers and Natural Education in the Netherlands in the Mid-nineteenth Century. History of Education, 41, 6, 733-748

Hoskins, B., Abs, H., Han. C., Kerr, D. & Veugelers, W. (2012). Contextual Analysis Report: Participatory Citizenship in the European Union.

Schuitema, J. & Veugelers, W. (2011). Multicultural Contacts in Education. Educational Studies, 37, 1, 101-114.

Veugelers, W. (Ed.) (2011). Education and Humanism. Linking autonomy and humanity. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipeh: SensePublishers

Veugelers, W. (2011). Introduction: Linking Autonomy and Humanity. In: Veugelers, W. (Ed.). Education and Humanism. Linking autonomy and humanity (1-8). Rotterdam/Boston/Taipeh: SensePublishers

Veugelers, W. (2011). A Humanist perspective on moral development and citizenship education. In: Veugelers, W. (Ed.). Education and Humanism. Linking autonomy and humanity (9-34). Rotterdam/Boston/Taipeh: SensePublishers

Veugelers, W. (2011). The moral and the political in global citizenship. Globalisation, societies and education, 9, 4, 473-485.

Veugelers, W. (2011). Theory and practice of citizenship education. Revista de educacion. 209-224.

Veugelers, W. (2010). Moral Values in Teacher Education. In: Peterson, P., Baker, E. & McGaw, B. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Volume 7, pp. 660-665. Oxford: Elsevier.

Veugelers, W. (2010). Teaching religions and world views in a plural society. In: Klaassen, C. & Maslovaty. N. (Eds.). Moral courage and the normative professionalism of teachers. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Schuitema, J., Veugelers, W., Rijlaarsdam, G. & Dam, G. ten (2009). Two Instructional Designs for Dialogical Citizenship Education. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 439-261

Veugelers, W. (2009). Active Student Participation and Citizenship Education. Educational Practice and Theory, 31, 2, 55-70.

Leenders, H. & Veugelers, W. (2009). Different views on values and citizenship education. In: Zajda & Daun, H. (Eds.). Global values education: teaching democracy and peace (21-34). Dordrecht: Springer.

Leenders, H., Veugelers, W. & Kat, E. de (2008). Teachers; Views on Citizenship in Secondary Education in the Netherlands. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38, 2, 155-170.

Schuitema, J.A.. Ten Dam, G. & Veugelers, W. (2008). Teaching Strategies for Moral Education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40, 1. 69-89.

Leenders, H.., Veugelers, W. & Kat, E. de (2008). In: Oser, F.K. & Veugelers, W. (eds.) Getting Involved. Citizenship education and sources of moral values. (57-74). Rotterdam/Taipeh: SensePublishers.

Oser, F.K. & Veugelers, W. (Eds.) (2008) Getting Involved. Citizenship education and sources of moral values. Rotterdam/Taipeh: SensePublishers.

Oser, F.K. & Veugelers, W. (2008) Introduction. In: Oser, F.K. & Veugelers, W. (Eds.) Getting Involved. Citizenship education and sources of moral values. (1-13). Rotterdam/Taipeh: SensePublishers.

Veugelers, W. (2008). Youngsters in Transformative and Reproductive Processes of Moral and Citizenship Education. In: Tirri, K. (Ed.). Moral Sensibilities in Urban Education. (79-91). Rotterdam/Taipeh: SensePublishers.

Moree, D., Klaassen, C. & Veugelers, W. (2008). Teachers’ ideas about multicultural education in a changing society: the case of the Czech Republic. European Educational Research Journal, 7, 60-73.

Leenders, H. & Veugelers, W. (2007). Teachers’ and students’ perspectives on citizenship education in Dutch schools. In: Casale, R. & Horlacher, R. (eds.). Bildung und Offentlichkeit. (107-120). Weinheim: Beltz Verlag.

Veugelers, W. (2007). Creating critical democratic citizenship education: empowering humanity and democracy in Dutch Education. Compare, 37, 1, 105-109.

Veugelers, W. (2007). Learning power globally. Journal of Educational Change, 8, 2, 181-184.

Veugelers, W. (2007). Wie man Jugenlich dazu bekommt, in den moralischen Diskurs einzusteigen. In: Bucher, A.A. (Hg.) Moral, Religion, Politik: Psychologisch-padagogische Zugange (155-168). Wien/Berlin: LIT Verlag.

Veugelers, W., Kat, E. de & Leenders, H. (2006) Moral education and teacher education. In:

Oser, F.K. & Achtenhagen, F. (Eds.). Competence oriented teacher training. Amsterdam: Sense publishers.

Veugelers, W., Derriks, M. & Kat, E. de (2006). Education and major cultural incidents.11 september and Dutch education. Journal of Peace Education, 3, 2. 235-249.

Veugelers, W. (2005). Networks of teachers or teachers caught in networks. Journal ofEducational Change, 6, 3, 284-291.

Veugelers, W. & Kluveld, A. (2005). Teens in the Netherlands. In: Steinberg, S.R. (Eds.)Teens in Europe (169-184). Boston: Greenwood Press.

Veugelers, W. & O’Hair, M. J. (Eds.) (2005). Network learning for educational change.Buckingham: Open University Press.

Leenders, H. & Veugelers, W. (2005). Different perspectives on values and citizenship education. Curriculum and Teaching, 21, 2, 5-20.

Veugelers, W. (2004). Between control and autonomy: Restructuring Secondary Education in the Netherlands. Journal of Educational Change, 5, 1411-160.

Veugelers, W. (2004). Possible futures envisioned by student mentees. In: Kochan, F.K. &J.T. Pascarelli (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Mentoring (39-52). Greenwich: Information Age Press.

Veugelers, W. & H. Zijlstra (2004). Networks of Schools and Constructing Citizenship inSecondary Education. In: Hernandez, F. & I.F. Goodson (Eds.) Social Geographies of Educational Change (65-78). Kluwer/Springer Publishers.

Veugelers, W. & E. de Kat (2003) The Moral task of teachers according to students, parentsand teachers. In: Educational Research and Evaluation, 9, 1, 75-91.

Veugelers, W. & P. Vedder (2003). Values in Teaching. Teachers and Teaching. 9, 4, 377- 389.

Veugelers, W. & Oser, F.K. (Eds.) (2003). Teaching in Moral and Democratic Education. Bern/New York: Peter Lang.

Veugelers, W. & Kat, E. de (2003). Moral and Democratic Education in Secondary Schools(193-214). In: Veugelers, W. & Oser, F.K. (Eds.). Teaching in Moral and Democratic Education. Bern/New York: Peter Lang.

Veugelers, W. & E. de Kat (2002) Student Voice in School Leadership. In: Journal of School Leadership, 12, 1. 97-108.

Veugelers, W. & H. Zijlstra (2002). The practice of a schoolnetwork. In: International Journal of Leadership in Education, 5, 2, 163-174.

Biesta, G., Stams, G.J., Dirks, E., Rutten, E., Veugelers, W. & Schuengel, C. (2001) Does sport make a difference. An exploration of the impact of sport on the social integration of young people. In: Steenbergen, J., A. Buisman & A. Felling (Eds.). Values and Norms in Sport. Oxford: Meyer & Meyer)

Veugelers, W. (2001) Teachers, Values and Critical Thinking. In: Steinberg, S.R. (Eds.)Multi/Intercultural Conversations (199-215). New York: Peter Lang.

Veugelers, W. & H. Zijlstra (2001) Networks as communities of learners. In: Xochellis, P. & Papanaoum, Z. (Eds.) Continuing Teacher Education and School Development. University of Thessaloniki Press: Thessaloniki.

Veugelers, W. (2000) Different Ways of Teaching Values. Educational Review, 52, 1, 37-46.

Willems, G., J. Stakenborg, J. & Veugelers, W. (Eds.) (2000) New Trends in Dutch Teacher Education. Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant. .

Willems, G., J. Stakenborg, J. & Veugelers, W. (2000) Editorial. In: Willems, G., J.Stakenborg & W. Veugelers (Eds.). New Trends in Dutch Teacher Education. (9-16). Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant.

Hofmeister, J. & Veugelers, W. (1999). Career education in the Netherlands: Learning by experience and values stimulation. Educational Research Journal, 14. 2, 279-300.

Veugelers, W. & Zijlstra, H. (1998) Learning Together: Inset in Networks (Holland). In: West-Burnham, J. & O’Sullivan, F. Leadership and Professional Development in Sc­ho­ols. (157-163).Pitman­­ Publishing

Veugelers, W. & Zijlstra, H. (1998). Learning Together in Networks of School and    Un­i­ve­rsi­ty. In­ter­na­tio­nal Journal of Leadership in Education. 1, 2, 169-180.

Veugelers, W. & Zijlstra, H. (1996). Networks for Modernizing Secondary Schools. Educational Le­a­dership, 54, 3, 76-79.

Veugelers, W. & Zijlstra, H. (1995). Learning Together: in-service education in networks of school. British Journal of In-service Education, 21, 1, 37-48.

Veugelers, W. (1995). Teachers and Values Regarding Labor, Curriculum Studies, 3, 2, 169-182.

Veugelers, W. (1995). Values Education Related to Labor. In: C. Wulf (Ed.), Education in Europe. An interCultural Task (220-225). Münster/New York, Waxman.

Veugelers, W. (1994) Teachers and the curriculum of value education regarding labor. In: J. van der Akker en W. Kui­per (Eds.). European Re­search on Curriculum: book of summaries of the first European Conference on Cu­riculum, University of Twe­nthe.

Veugelers, W. (1994). Teachers and Value Education regarding Labor. In: Voorbach, J.T. (eds.) Teacher Education 10. Research and developments in the Netherlands. (63-71). De Lier: Acade­misch Boeken Centrum.

Krüger, M.L. & Veugelers, W. (1991). Ksztalcenie nanczycieli: profesjonalizacja i m­o­du­lar­ry­zac­ja. Ob­ec­ne tendencje w Ho­landi. Kwartalnik Pedagogczny, 2 (1­40). University of Warschau, Polen.

Veugelers W. (1989). The modular approach in the Netherlands: rationalities in the re­la­ti­on­s­hip be­tw­een education and labor. In: Voorbach J.T. & Prick L.G.M. (Eds.), Teacher education 5. (45-54). ‘s Gravenhage (SV­O). 1989.

Krüger M.L. en Veugelers W. (1989). Recent developments in teacher activities and tea­cher edu­cation in the Ne­ther­lands. In: J. Brincones (Ed.), Reflexiones sobre la formacion del profesorado (109-125). Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

Veugelers, W. (1989). El sistema modular, una racionalitat technica en la relació entre ensenya­ment i vida laboral. Con­seqüencies per a les activitats dels ensenyants. In: Butlleti. Barcelona, 65, 19-26.