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New Book

Cover Moral and Political Dimensions of Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education

Moral and Political Dimensions of Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education

Enhancing Social Justice, a Global Orientation, and Equity in Schools and Society

Series: Moral Development and Citizenship Education, Volume: 24


Wiel Veugelers

In Moral and Political Dimensions of Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education, Wiel Veugelers analyses theory, policy and practice of moral education and citizenship education in the past few decades. He shows that there are different orientations in national and global moral education and citizenship education. He criticises the strong orientation on the individual and on adaptation, and argues for more emphasises on social justice, equity and democracy. 

This volume brings together articles Veugelers published in the past 25 years. Each article is introduced by a reflection on the reasons for the article, its responses, and lessons that are still relevant. The book ends with a large chapter that overviews central developments and presents a programme for future theory, research, policy and practice in moral education and citizenship education with a strong focus on democracy and empowerment: the moral should become more political and the political more moral.

New articles

Veugelers, W., Bosio, E. Linking moral and social-political perspectives in global citizenship education: A conversation with Wiel Veugelers. Prospects 53, 181–194 (2023).

Nimrod Aloni & Wiel Veugelers (2023) Ecohumanism, democratic culture and activist pedagogy: Attending to what the known demands of us, Educational Philosophy and Theory,
DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2023.2295216

New books in book series Moral Development and Citizenship Education

Cover Moral Development and Citizenship Education

The Brill book series Moral Development and Citizenship has published in 2022 the following 5 books (series-editors Wiel Veugelers and Kirsi Tirri)

Global Citizenship Education in the Global South
Educators’ Perceptions and Practices
Volume: 21
Volume Editors: Emiliano Bosio and Yusef Waghid

Teachers’ Professional Ethics
Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Research from Finland
Volume: 20
Authors: Kirsi Tirri and Elina Kuusisto

The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism
Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration
Volume: 19
Volume Editors: Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Hermann J. Abs, and Kerstin Göbel

The VaKE Handbook
Theory and Practice of Values and Knowledge Education
Volume: 18
Volume Editors: Sieglinde Weyringer, Jean-Luc Patry, Dimitrios Pnevmatikos, and Frédérique Brossard Børhaug

Activist Pedagogy and Shared Education in Divided Societies
International Perspectives and Next Practices
Volume: 17
Volume Editors: Dafna Yitzhaki, Tony Gallagher, Nimrod Aloni, and Zehavit Gross

Different views on Global Citizenship Education: Making Global Citizenship More Critical, Political and Social Justice.

Bookchapter in Schugurensky, D. & Wolhuter, C. (Eds.) (2020). Global Citizenship Education in Teacher Education. London: Routledge.

Table of Contents


Carlos A. Torres


Daniel Schugurensky and Charl Wolhuter

Chapter 1

Different views on global citizenship education: Making global citizenship education more critical, political and justice-oriented

Wiel Veugelers